Monday, December 26, 2011

 So I just got a Cintiq and I have to say, its fantastic. Everything I ever imagined that a cintiq would be is like a dream come true. This is just a quick comic page I did about how I felt when I made my first stroke on this delicious device.
 Here are some sketches made with the new cintiq. I got to say I am curious about what kind of settings I need to make when inking though. When it came to dealing with paper it was fairly easy to find information on the subject but for industry standards, when dealing with digital, I am at a loss. Page size is easy enough to find but now that everything is digital should I still have to worry about changing stuff to bitmap? or what is the best brush setting for inking? Conclusion: whatever, I'll find out soon enough.
Another sketch and another idea about how to utilize the cintiq. Make tutorials! After doing the head layout, the way I learned in school, it dawned on me that doing something like that for youtube would be a good way to kill time on boring days. I just remember how my perception of what good art to amazing art was blown when seeing my teachers demo a head drawing class or figure drawing class. I don't think that is easy to come by without shelling out some serious coin and when it comes to art, I think, knowledge should be shared, not charged. Why? Because when it comes to art the only way you progress is by amount you are willing to practice. I believe that everyone has there own style and when you come across a school that teaches the traditional basics of drawing you have to throw away what you taught yourself to learn the basics and train your eyes. Once this is done then you break it all down again and rebuild your own style BUT with the foundation of what you learned in school. I don't think most people wouldn't have either the determination, open-mindedness, and/or the school to do this. I don't know, that's just what I think.

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